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Fat-Breaking Bacteria

Fat-Breaking Bacteria
Fat-Breaking Bacteria

The world has entered a period of rapid change, and our lifestyles and habits are changing in parallel. Along with fast lifestyles, eating habits are increasing; Compared to 25 or 30 years ago, the places where food service is offered have increased much more.

With the concentration of food production and consumption in certain places, new problems arise in our lives. With the increase in hotels, shopping malls, business centers, large-scale factories, food-food production centers and catering companies, where food production and consumption is high, infrastructure problems arise in our growing cities.

With the increase of these commercial places that provide ready-made food or food service, local and national governments are taking some measures to prevent infrastructure problems. One of the first measures taken to solve these problems in waste water is the partial cleaning of the waste oil formed in the enterprises in the oil holders.



What is Oil Grease Trap?

The oil trap system is a system that must be obligatory in the enterprises by local and national administrations according to the waste water discharge parameters. The oil trap system is used to separate the used oil in the waste water and to recycle the blockage in the network and the waste water in the treatment plants.

Although oil retaining systems are dependent on discharge parameters, they are obligatory for enterprises with unsuitable discharge parameters. Although there is no obligation, its use with environmental awareness is increasing day by day in new large-scale housing projects.

What is Oil Retainer Working Principle?

This system we know as oil trap or oil trap; It is a mechanical system that separates used oil from waste water in enterprises. Oil traps separate oil and water with different densities and separate them into a storage unit inside or outside. The purpose of this system is to prevent the mixing of oil with the waste water into the network and thus prevent the problems that may occur in the infrastructure system.

What are the Problems in Oil Retainers?
National and local governments have made it obligatory to have oil traps for businesses with high discharge parameters to prevent the growth of problems in the infrastructure and to prevent environmental pollution. In this way, it has tried to solve the problems locally without growing.

While the oil trap system partially solves the infrastructure and environmental problems, it has unfortunately been the main cause of new problems for businesses. First of all, the clogging of the pipes of the enterprises, the clogging of the oil traps and the presence of bad odors in the environment due to oil.

How Can The Problems With Oil Retainers Be Solved?

Fat-breaking bacteria, which we offer you as a biological solution for the biggest problems for businesses, is an environmentally friendly and harmless product. It provides easy use by being injected directly into the system as a bacterial culture. These microorganisms, which are special bacteria, do not cause any damage to your system while solving the problems in oil retainers and lines with the bioremediation method. Fat-breaking bacteria; While it separates the oil into building blocks, it uses the carbon-based part for energy, while it gives CO2 and water to the system. In this way, structure-related problems in businesses are solved biologically.

As Yeşil Grup Enerji, we offer you the opportunity to solve your problems with a single product with a biological management with BioGuy. We are happy to offer you the most efficient product in Europe with the "Seal of Excellence" certificate issued by the European Union. Yeşil Grup Enerji offers efficient and permanent solutions to your problems with BioGuy.

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