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Scientific research PROVES that viruses can stay in the air for 3 to 4 hours and are released into the environment with micro-droplets when people sneeze, cough and even speak. Air sterilization is of great importance to purify the air from microorganisms. The biggest convenience AEREM19 provides to its users is that there is no health risk when using UV-C lights in the same environment as living creatures as they do not leak out in a closed chamber.

AEREM 19 UVC Air Sterilizer

AEREM 19, BY UTILIZING THE UV-C LIGHT; neutralizes bacterias, viruses and fungus. powered by 2 x 16w Sylvania UV-C light sources in a closed-boxed casing there are 2 fans that create air suction to force the air to pass through the uv-c light sources to sterilize the ambient air. The capacity of the fans is 200 m3 \ h. aerem19 can make room
environment approximately 50m2 germ-proof.

AEREM 19 will sterilize all the air in the environment depending on the application time thanks to the air flow it creates in the stagnant air. AEREM 19’s greatest convenience to its users; Since UV-C rays do not leak out of a closed chamber, there is no hazard using it daily areas.

AEREM 19 UVC Sterilizer Techincal Specifications

  • Voltage / Voltage: 220 V

  • Power / Power: 32 W

  • Frequency / Frequency: 50 Hz

  • Weight / Weight: 4.25 kg

  • Dimensions (BxGxY) / Dimension (LxWxH): 39x22x23 cm

  • Effective Area / Area: 50 m2

  • UV Fluorescent Avg. Lifespan / Average Life Of UV: 8000 hours / hours


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